
Signing of Cooperation Agreement on Procurement of Patrol Boat Construction Planning Consultancy Services to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise

Pusyantek and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance held a signing ceremony for the cooperation agreement "Procurement of Patrol Ship Construction Planning Consultancy Services for the Directorate General of Customs and Excise" on Tuesday, 19 December 2023 in the Toba Loka Meeting Room, Gd . Sumatra 5th Floor DJBC Head Office.

The signatures were carried out by Mrs. Yenni Bakhtiar as Head of the BRIN Technology Services Center and Mrs. Ayu Sukrorini as Secretary of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. This event was witnessed directly by Mr. Askolani as Director General of Customs and Excise.

This collaboration aims to design DJBC's FPB 38 and FBP 28 patrol boats so that the ships built can meet the technical requirements for ship construction, operationalization and regulations that apply nationally and internationally as well as the requirements of the Ship Classification Board.

It is hoped that this collaboration can strengthen the DJBC fleet so that it can reduce illegal trading practices via sea routes both in terms of intensity and number.

[Download] 2023 Pusyantek BRIN Business Gathering Exposure Material

The following is a link to download presentation materials for the BRIN Technology Service Center (Pusyantek)Talkshow Business Gathering activity with the theme“The Role of BRIN Technology Innovation and Services to Encourage a Competitive and Sustainable National Industry in the fields of P3DN, Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology"which was held on Thursday, September 21 2023 at the ICC Building, Cibinong Science Center, KST. Soekarno - BRIN.


PRESS RELEASE | The Role of BRIN Innovation and Technology Services to Encourage Competitive and Sustainable National Industries in the Fields of Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology

Thursday, September 21 2023


“The Role of BRIN Technology Innovation and Services to Promote Competitive and Sustainable National Industries in the Fields of Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology”


Jakarta, 21 September 2023. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through the Public Service Agency Technology Service Center (BLU Pusyantek) held the 2023 Pusyantek BRIN Business Gathering, at the Innovation Convention Center Building, KST Soekarno, Cibinong, Bogor with the theme Role BRIN Technology Innovation and Services to Encourage Competitive and Sustainable National Industries in the Fields of Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology. The Business Gathering event, which is a series of activities at the Indonesia Research and Innovation Expo (InaRI Expo) 2023, is a promotional media to introduce Pusyantek BRIN's technology services, a means of communication and exchange of information with technology service user partners as well as a stage for appreciation for technology service user partners who contribute to improving use of domestic products and loyal partners.

Plt. BRIN Principal Secretary Nur Tri Aries Suestiningtyas said that the theme raised at this Business Gathering was very relevant to the direction of the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision. Indonesia as a country with abundant potential and resources must be able to utilize and develop research and innovation in order to achieve sustainable progress in various areas. sector, including supporting business and industrial growth, he emphasized. BRIN has played an important role and made a positive contribution in bridging the gap between research and innovation and the implementation of technology in various industrial sectors. Nur Tri Aries is confident that, through synergistic collaboration between BRIN and various stakeholders, it will be able to create a strong and highly competitive innovation ecosystem, increase the independence of national industry, and play an important role in economic growth and community welfare to realize the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.

Head of the BRIN Technology Service Center (Pusyantek) Yenni Bakhtiar said, through professional and collaborative technology services, Pusyantek BRIN is determined to continue to make a real contribution in supporting increased competitiveness and independence of national industry as well as encouraging sustainable economic growth based on innovation. Yenni further explained that Pusyantek BRIN, which has the mandate to carry out a strategic role in technology services, technology intermediation and technology commercialization, is committed to providing excellent service support needed by its partners from government agencies, BUMN/BUMD, private industry, MSMEs, universities. high and international partners. With the advantages of flexibility and special features, Pusyantek BRIN as a BLU work unit can provide technology services quickly, adaptively and agilely, in accordance with BLU SPEED values, namely Synergy, Professional, Effective, Efficient and Digital.

For information, the 2023 Pusyantek BRIN Business Gathering was attended by more than 200 participants, presenting speakers from BLU Pusyantek BRIN service user partners such as PT Pertamina, PT Vale, Bank Indonesia, Coordinating Ministry for Marves, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of PANRB, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Kominfo , and the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service. The speakers further explained the importance of synergy and collaboration in the utilization and utilization of BRIN's research results, innovation and technological services to support increased use of domestic products, business development, increased competitiveness and independence of national industry, especially in the fields of green technology, mining and information technology.< /p>

In this event, technology service awards were also awarded to partners who have technology service collaboration contracts with Pusyantek BRIN, have a commitment and make a real contribution to implementing policies to increase the use of domestic products, provide benefits to the community and become loyal partners who have service collaboration. sustainable technology. The award winners were PT Pertamina (Commitment to Implement TKDN in the BUMN Category), the South Sulawesi Provincial Land and Settlement Area Housing Service (Commitment to Implement TKDN in the Government Agency Category) and PT Vale (Best Loyalty Partnership). Apart from that, the event also included the signing of a technology services cooperation contract between Pusyantek BRIN and PT PLN Nusantara Power regarding assistance in microreactor design as well as an agreement to assist cooperation in the commercialization of intellectual property with the University of Semarang.

PRESS RELEASE | BRIN Talent Contribution in Technology Services to Support Business Development, Increase Competitiveness and National Industrial Independence






“BRIN Talent Contribution in Technology Services to Support Business Development, Increase Competitiveness and National Industrial Independence”


Jakarta, August 8 2023. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through the Public Service Agency Technology Service Center (BLU Pusyantek) holds < strong>Business Talk Research and Innovation Talent 2023, in the BJ Building. Habibie Jakarta by luring in talk show format with the theme "Contribution of BRIN Talents in Technology Services to Support Business Development, Increase Competitiveness and National Industrial Independence". 2023 Research and Innovation Talent Business Talkis a series of activities commemorating the 28th National Technology Awakening Day (HAKTEKNAS).

BRIN Deputy for Utilization of Research and Innovation R. Hendrian said,   that the theme raised in this Business Talk is very relevant to the direction of the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045. Indonesia as a country with vast potential and resources Abundant must be able to utilize and develop research and innovation talents in order to achieve sustainable progress in various sectors, including supporting business and industrial growth, he stressed.


BRIN's Research and Innovation Talents have played an important role and made a positive contribution in bridging the gap between research and innovation and the implementation of technology in various industrial sectors. Hendrian believes that through synergistic collaboration between BRIN and various stakeholders it will be able to create a strong and highly competitive innovation ecosystem, increase the independence of national industry, and play an important role in economic growth and community welfare to realize the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.< /span>


Hendrian also said that BRIN opens up the widest possible collaboration opportunities for all stakeholders in research, innovation and technology services activities. On the same occasion, Deputy for Research and Innovation Utilization of BRIN R. Hendrian gave his appreciation to BLU Pusyantek BRIN which has contributed a lot to strengthening the research and innovation ecosystem through technological services that have been provided by involving partners from government agencies (ministries/institutions/regional governments ), business people (BUMN and private industry), universities, international institutions, associations and media.


Head of the Technology Service Center (Pusyantek) Yenni Bakhtiar said, Business Talk Talent Research and Innovation 2023 is communication media< span style="font-size:12.0pt">, innovative exchange of information and ideas as well as a place for appreciation to partners service user for synergy and collaboration excellent in < /span>utilization technology services BRIN.

Yenni further explained that BLU Pusyantek BRIN, which has become a strategic partner for technological transformation and innovation in Indonesia, is committed to providing technology service support what the industry needs. With the advantage of flexibility, BLU Pusyantek can provide technology services quickly, adaptively, collaboratively and professionally.

Yenni hopes that partners will gain information, knowledge and a deeper understanding of how technology services from BLU Pusyantek BRIN can substantially contribute to development business, increasing competitiveness and independence of national industry.

Pusyantek also encourages industry to increase its competitiveness through research and development towards commercialization. Moreover, currently the government has implemented tax reduction incentives (tax deduction) of up to 300 percent for industries that carry out research and development to commercialization, he concluded.

For information 2023 Research and Innovation Talent Business Talk presents resource persons from BLU Pusyantek BRIN service user partners such as PT Pertamina, PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua), PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Delameta Bilano, PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa and PT Murtila Propertindo. The speakers further explained the importance of synergy and collaboration in utilizing BRIN's research results, innovation and technology services to support business development, increase competitiveness and independence of national industry. In this event, a technology services cooperation contract was also signed between Pusyantek BRIN and PT Pertamina, PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua) as well as a cooperation agreement with PT Sucofindo.

Implementation of Kanban in Project Management

Jakarta, 26 June 2023 - The Technology Service Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (Pusyantek BRIN) has held training on Kanban implementation in project management. The event which took place on Monday was attended by all employees of Pusyantek BRIN.

The main resource person in this training was Mr. Dipl. Ing Mohamad Taufiek as the Coordinator of the Project Management Function at Pusyantek BRIN. He has accumulated extensive experience in the field of project management and plays a role in leading the implementation of Kanban within the BRIN Pusyantek work environment.

The training activities began with directions from the Head of Pusyantek BRIN Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar, M.Ag.Sc., IPU, who highlighted the importance of implementing effective project management methods to increase productivity and efficiency. Kanban implementation was chosen because this method has been proven successful in various work environments and is able to optimize workflow and minimize obstacles that occur in projects.

During the training session, Mr. Mohamad Taufiek provided an in-depth understanding of the basic principles of Kanban and how to apply them in project management. He explains the use of Kanban boards, task cards, and other important concepts that can help project teams identify and overcome bottlenecks, as well as increase transparency and collaboration among team members.

This training event ended with a socialization session on the progress of the Pusyantek Public Service Agency (BLU) maturity assessment by Mr. Hadi Surachman ST.M.Si as the coordinator of Pusyantek BLU maturity assessment fulfillment. The progress of this assessment aims to ensure that this Pusyantek operates according to the standards and criteria set by BLU Pusyantek BRIN.

The Head of Pusyantek BRIN expressed his hope that this training would provide great benefits for participants in improving their skills in project management using Kanban. With better knowledge about this method, it is hoped that the effectiveness and efficiency in managing projects at Pusyantek BRIN can be significantly improved.

It is also hoped that through the Pusyantek BLU maturity assessment, the entire operation of Pusyantek BRIN can continue to be improved to achieve better service quality and provide a greater positive impact on the progress of research and innovation in Indonesia.

This Kanban implementation training marks Pusyantek BRIN's commitment to continuously strengthening project management capabilities and improving work standards in the institution. Thus, it is hoped that the development of innovative projects can run more efficiently and produce results that are more beneficial to society.

Realizing Excellent Service, Pusyantek Promotes the Implementation of Good Governance

(06/06) In order to provide excellent service, the Technology Service Center (Pusyantek) held a socialization on the implementation of Good Governance (GC) which was attended by all Pusyantek employees. Good Governance is a form of governance that develops and establishes the principles of professionalism, accountability, transparency, excellent service, democracy, efficiency, effectiveness, rule of law and can be accepted by all people. On this occasion, the socialization focused on 3 programs, namely Bureaucratic Reform (RB), Integrity Zone Development (ZI) and Public Service Agencies (BLU) Maturity.

Head of Pusyantek, Yenni Bakhtiar said that to support Good Governance, all Pusyantek employees must understand and implement ASN's core values, namely AKHLAK (Service Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, Collaborative). In addition, Pusyantek's work culture which consists of Integrity, Responsibility, Professional, Innovative and Synergy must also be upheld so that we can achieve the targets that have been set.

Pusyantek BRIN and Public Works Office of Makassar City Establish Cooperation in Clean Water Supply Technology

Wednesday (25/5) Head of BRIN Technology Service Center, Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar, M.Ag.Sc.,IPU received a visit from the Head of the Makassar City Public Works Service, Zuhaelsi Zubir, ST., MT. along with the ranks. This visit was in the context of coordinating as well as signing a Cooperation Agreement through the Type II Swakelola mechanism in the activity "Assisting in the Implementation and Transfer of Sea Water Desalination/Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Technology" which is planned to be carried out implemented on Bonetambu Island, Kec. Sangkarang Islands, Makassar City. This collaboration is a follow-up collaboration that was initiated in 2022, where in that year there were 4 (four) points/locations that implemented the technology, namely on Barranglompo Island, Lumu-Lumu Island, Kel. Tallo and Ex. Tanjung Merdeka.

The presence of the SWRO Arsinum Technology is highly appreciated by the Public Works Department of Makassar City and the community because it is very helpful in providing drinking water and clean water for coastal and island communities, especially those in the Makassar City area. Hopefully this activity in the future can run smoothly, safely and successfully and be able to bring greater benefits to the surrounding community.

Pusyantek Organizes Proposal and Budget Preparation Training for Employees

Jakarta, May 23, 2023 - The Technology Service Center (Pusyantek) of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) held training on proposal and budget preparation with the aim of increasing employee capabilities in preparing proposals and drafting activity budgets . This activity was opened by the Head of Pusyantek BRIN, Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar, M.Ag.SC., IPU, which aims to provide a comprehensive understanding to the training participants.

This training was attended by dozens of Pusyantek BRIN employees. They are given the opportunity to learn effective proposal preparation techniques and how to manage budgets properly. This activity aims to improve the ability of employees to prepare comprehensive proposals and take into account budgetary aspects carefully.

The resource person for the training is Bina Restituta, S.T., M.T., who has extensive experience in managing business proposals and budgets. In the training sessions, Bina Restituta shares her knowledge and practical experience with the participants, provides a structured and practical guide for preparing strong proposals and accurate budget designs.

Head of Pusyantek BRIN, Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar, M.Ag.SC., IPU, in her remarks, expressed the importance of the ability to prepare budget proposals and drafts for Pusyanatek employees. "By having good skills in preparing proposals and budgets, employees will be able to produce competitive proposals and realistic budget designs. This will assist the technical team in obtaining the resources needed to carry out technology service activities," said Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar.

Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar also hopes that the training participants will be able to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the training in their daily work. Thus, it is hoped that the quality of proposals and budgets at Pusyantek BRIN can increase, as well as encourage the realization of research and innovation projects that have a positive impact on the progress of the nation.

The training on preparing proposals and budgeting at Pusyantek BRIN is expected to be the first step in increasing employee competence in this field. With a better understanding of proposal preparation and budget management, it is hoped that Pusyantek BRIN can be more effective and efficient in implementing technology services to partners.

Pusyantek BRIN Holds 2023 Business Process Submission Meeting

On May 15 2023, Pusyantek BRIN held a 2023 business process presentation meeting. The meeting was held on floor 1 Doddy Achdiat Tisna Amidjaja Building, Jl. Raden Saleh Raya No.43, Cikini, Central Jakarta.

The meeting was attended by the entire Pusyantek BRIN community and led by Mrs. Dr. Yenni Bakhtiar, M.Ag.Sc., IPU as the head of Pusyantek BRIN.

By holding this meeting, it is hoped that the entire community will be able to provide better and more optimal technology services to all partners, both Government Agencies, Private, BUMN and Foreign partners. Pusyantek is committed to continuing to collaborate with partners in solving technology problems through cooperation and innovation that is produced together.

BRIN Pusyantek Collaboration Ceremony with Yachiyo Engineering Co., LTD

Pusyantek and Yachiyo Engineering Co., LTD conducted a collaboration ceremony entitled "CubiTan Proof of Concept Study" on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at the Pusyantek Office, 1st floor gedung Doddy Achdiat Tisna Amidjaja, Jl. Raden Saleh Raya No.43, Cikini, Central Jakarta

CubiTan is an innovative technology from Yachiyo Engineering in the form of gas cylinders that offer benefits to the industry in storing and shipping gas more efficiently. This innovation can reduce packaging volume by up to 60%. So that the industry can reduce distribution costs.

This collaboration aims to validate concepts or ideas from a functional, technical, regulatory and market potential perspective of CubiTan in Indonesia. It is hoped that this collaboration will provide a report on the results of the analysis related to CubiTan innovation and product marketing strategy recommendations in Indonesia.