PRESS RELEASE | BRIN Talent Contribution in Technology Services to Support Business Development, Increase Competitiveness and National Industrial Independence
“BRIN Talent Contribution in Technology Services to Support Business Development, Increase Competitiveness and National Industrial Independence”
Jakarta, August 8 2023. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through the Public Service Agency Technology Service Center (BLU Pusyantek) holds < strong>Business Talk Research and Innovation Talent 2023, in the BJ Building. Habibie Jakarta by luring in talk show format with the theme "Contribution of BRIN Talents in Technology Services to Support Business Development, Increase Competitiveness and National Industrial Independence". 2023 Research and Innovation Talent Business Talkis a series of activities commemorating the 28th National Technology Awakening Day (HAKTEKNAS).
BRIN Deputy for Utilization of Research and Innovation R. Hendrian said, that the theme raised in this Business Talk is very relevant to the direction of the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045. Indonesia as a country with vast potential and resources Abundant must be able to utilize and develop research and innovation talents in order to achieve sustainable progress in various sectors, including supporting business and industrial growth, he stressed.
BRIN's Research and Innovation Talents have played an important role and made a positive contribution in bridging the gap between research and innovation and the implementation of technology in various industrial sectors. Hendrian believes that through synergistic collaboration between BRIN and various stakeholders it will be able to create a strong and highly competitive innovation ecosystem, increase the independence of national industry, and play an important role in economic growth and community welfare to realize the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.< /span>
Hendrian also said that BRIN opens up the widest possible collaboration opportunities for all stakeholders in research, innovation and technology services activities. On the same occasion, Deputy for Research and Innovation Utilization of BRIN R. Hendrian gave his appreciation to BLU Pusyantek BRIN which has contributed a lot to strengthening the research and innovation ecosystem through technological services that have been provided by involving partners from government agencies (ministries/institutions/regional governments ), business people (BUMN and private industry), universities, international institutions, associations and media.
Head of the Technology Service Center (Pusyantek) Yenni Bakhtiar said, Business Talk Talent Research and Innovation 2023 is communication media< span style="font-size:12.0pt">, innovative exchange of information and ideas as well as a place for appreciation to partners service user for synergy and collaboration excellent in < /span>utilization technology services BRIN.
Yenni further explained that BLU Pusyantek BRIN, which has become a strategic partner for technological transformation and innovation in Indonesia, is committed to providing technology service support what the industry needs. With the advantage of flexibility, BLU Pusyantek can provide technology services quickly, adaptively, collaboratively and professionally.
Yenni hopes that partners will gain information, knowledge and a deeper understanding of how technology services from BLU Pusyantek BRIN can substantially contribute to development business, increasing competitiveness and independence of national industry.
Pusyantek also encourages industry to increase its competitiveness through research and development towards commercialization. Moreover, currently the government has implemented tax reduction incentives (tax deduction) of up to 300 percent for industries that carry out research and development to commercialization, he concluded.
For information 2023 Research and Innovation Talent Business Talk presents resource persons from BLU Pusyantek BRIN service user partners such as PT Pertamina, PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua), PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Delameta Bilano, PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa and PT Murtila Propertindo. The speakers further explained the importance of synergy and collaboration in utilizing BRIN's research results, innovation and technology services to support business development, increase competitiveness and independence of national industry. In this event, a technology services cooperation contract was also signed between Pusyantek BRIN and PT Pertamina, PT Tirta Investama (Danone Aqua) as well as a cooperation agreement with PT Sucofindo. p>