PRESS RELEASE | The Role of BRIN Innovation and Technology Services to Encourage Competitive and Sustainable National Industries in the Fields of Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology
Thursday, September 21 2023
“The Role of BRIN Technology Innovation and Services to Promote Competitive and Sustainable National Industries in the Fields of Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology”
Jakarta, 21 September 2023. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through the Public Service Agency Technology Service Center (BLU Pusyantek) held the 2023 Pusyantek BRIN Business Gathering, at the Innovation Convention Center Building, KST Soekarno, Cibinong, Bogor with the theme Role BRIN Technology Innovation and Services to Encourage Competitive and Sustainable National Industries in the Fields of Green Technology, Mining and Information Technology. The Business Gathering event, which is a series of activities at the Indonesia Research and Innovation Expo (InaRI Expo) 2023, is a promotional media to introduce Pusyantek BRIN's technology services, a means of communication and exchange of information with technology service user partners as well as a stage for appreciation for technology service user partners who contribute to improving use of domestic products and loyal partners.
Plt. BRIN Principal Secretary Nur Tri Aries Suestiningtyas said that the theme raised at this Business Gathering was very relevant to the direction of the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision. Indonesia as a country with abundant potential and resources must be able to utilize and develop research and innovation in order to achieve sustainable progress in various areas. sector, including supporting business and industrial growth, he emphasized. BRIN has played an important role and made a positive contribution in bridging the gap between research and innovation and the implementation of technology in various industrial sectors. Nur Tri Aries is confident that, through synergistic collaboration between BRIN and various stakeholders, it will be able to create a strong and highly competitive innovation ecosystem, increase the independence of national industry, and play an important role in economic growth and community welfare to realize the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045.
Head of the BRIN Technology Service Center (Pusyantek) Yenni Bakhtiar said, through professional and collaborative technology services, Pusyantek BRIN is determined to continue to make a real contribution in supporting increased competitiveness and independence of national industry as well as encouraging sustainable economic growth based on innovation. Yenni further explained that Pusyantek BRIN, which has the mandate to carry out a strategic role in technology services, technology intermediation and technology commercialization, is committed to providing excellent service support needed by its partners from government agencies, BUMN/BUMD, private industry, MSMEs, universities. high and international partners. With the advantages of flexibility and special features, Pusyantek BRIN as a BLU work unit can provide technology services quickly, adaptively and agilely, in accordance with BLU SPEED values, namely Synergy, Professional, Effective, Efficient and Digital.
For information, the 2023 Pusyantek BRIN Business Gathering was attended by more than 200 participants, presenting speakers from BLU Pusyantek BRIN service user partners such as PT Pertamina, PT Vale, Bank Indonesia, Coordinating Ministry for Marves, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of PANRB, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Kominfo , and the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service. The speakers further explained the importance of synergy and collaboration in the utilization and utilization of BRIN's research results, innovation and technological services to support increased use of domestic products, business development, increased competitiveness and independence of national industry, especially in the fields of green technology, mining and information technology.< /p>
In this event, technology service awards were also awarded to partners who have technology service collaboration contracts with Pusyantek BRIN, have a commitment and make a real contribution to implementing policies to increase the use of domestic products, provide benefits to the community and become loyal partners who have service collaboration. sustainable technology. The award winners were PT Pertamina (Commitment to Implement TKDN in the BUMN Category), the South Sulawesi Provincial Land and Settlement Area Housing Service (Commitment to Implement TKDN in the Government Agency Category) and PT Vale (Best Loyalty Partnership). Apart from that, the event also included the signing of a technology services cooperation contract between Pusyantek BRIN and PT PLN Nusantara Power regarding assistance in microreactor design as well as an agreement to assist cooperation in the commercialization of intellectual property with the University of Semarang.